脱炭素の物語: 気候変動と大気汚染を共に解決する

インドネシア CO2を吸収する森作りファンド


(Original English below)







ブルーカーボンの復元 ブルーカーボンの復元:カーボンエシックスはさまざまな団体と協力し、インドネシア沿岸のマングローブ、海草、サンゴ礁を復元している。これにより、これらの生態系が炭素排出や大気汚染物質を吸収すると同時に、生物多様性を保全し、エコツーリズムを支援する。
地域コミュニティとの協力: パタゴニアはこうした修復活動において、地元コミュニティに力を与えている。マングローブの植林に地元住民を参加させ、気候問題に関する研修を実施し、生計を向上させている。これは環境に対する意識を高めるだけでなく、地域社会に雇用と収入をもたらします。
トランスジャカルタとのマングローブ植林: CarbonEthicsはジャカルタの公共交通機関であるTransjakartaと協力し、ジャカルタ近郊の島Pulau Harapanにマングローブを植えるようジャカルタ市民に働きかけている。地元コミュニティがマングローブの植林と手入れを担当し、よりきれいな空気の確保に貢献している。



Imagine living in a city where the air is so polluted with high smog formation that makes you worry about your health. This is the reality for many people in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, the capital city.

But air pollution is not just a local problem. It is also linked to a global problem: climate change. Climate change is caused by greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), that trap heat in the atmosphere and warm up the planet. Some of these gases also cause air pollution, such as ozone (O3), methane (CH4), and black carbon. The substances causing climate change and air pollution also come from the same sources, such as industry, transportation, building energy, waste disposal, and burning.

So, how can we solve both air pollution and climate change at the same time? One of the solutions is decarbonization. Decarbonization means reducing CO2 emissions from different sources, such as factories, cars, power plants, and farms. It also means increasing the ability of nature to absorb CO2 from the air, such as through forests, oceans, and wetlands. One of the effective ways to decarbonize is through blue carbon conservation.

Blue carbon is the carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrasses, and coral reefs. These ecosystems are not only rich in biodiversity and provide many benefits for people, such as food, tourism, and protection from storms, but they also have a high potential to capture and store CO2 from the atmosphere. For example, mangrove forests can absorb carbon emissions and air pollutants that are trapped in the atmosphere.


This is where CarbonEthics comes in. CarbonEthics is an impact enterprise that focuses on decarbonization through blue carbon in Indonesia. We works with various partners to restore and protect blue carbon ecosystems along Indonesia’s coast. We also empowers local communities to participate in these efforts and benefit from them.

Here are some of the initiatives that CarbonEthics is doing to reduce air pollution and climate change through blue carbon:

  1. Restoring Blue Carbon: CarbonEthics teams up with various groups to restore mangroves, seagrasses, and coral reefs along Indonesia’s coast. This helps these ecosystems absorb carbon emissions and air pollutants while also preserving biodiversity and supporting ecotourism
  2. Working with Local Communities: We empower local communities in these restoration efforts. They engage locals in planting mangroves and provide training on climate issues, improving livelihoods. This not only raises environmental awareness but also creates jobs and income for these communities.
  3. Mangrove Planting with Transjakarta: CarbonEthics collaborates with Transjakarta, the public transportation service in Jakarta, to encourage Jakarta residents to plant mangroves on Pulau Harapan, an island near Jakarta. Local communities take charge of planting and caring for these mangroves, contributing to cleaner air.

Decarbonization is not just a technical solution. It is also a story of hope and action. It is a story of how we can work together to create a cleaner and greener future for ourselves and our planet. Start your decarbonization story now with CarbonEthics.


インドネシア CO2を吸収する森作りファンド
PT Iklim Muda Sentosa
2,940,000 円 / 11,250,000 円
ミュージックセキュリティーズ株式会社 第二種金融商品取引業者 関東財務局長(金商)第1791号 加入協会:一般社団法人第二種金融商品取引業協会
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